Knutson Building placed on Iowa’s “Most Endangered” list
UPDATE (Jan. 28, 2016) City staff told the Historic Preservation Commission at their meeting tonight that at least one firm will tour the Knutson Building..
By Cindy Hadish/Save CR Heritage CEDAR RAPIDS – The Cedar Rapids City Council voted tonight to stabilize the Knutson Building, with one caveat: the public..
City to forego redevelopment of historic Knutson Building
By Cindy Hadish/Save CR Heritage CEDAR RAPIDS – Despite bids to redevelop the Knutson Metal Co. site, the city appears poised to demolish the historic..
Cedar Rapids considers code violations to historic Knutson Building
By Cindy Hadish/Save CR Heritage Just days before proposals are due for redeveloping one of the oldest commercial structures in Cedar Rapids, the city has..